Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weekend in review

A few photos from a lovely weekend.

A rare Friday off: we took Annie to French Creek State Park.  It's like you're driving - and driving - and it's woods everywhere, and all of the sudden is  a splash of aquamarine and a dazzling swimming pool next to the park's lake.  It was really lovely. Annie didn't think it was all that neat and simply tolerated the two of us taking her into the water.

And then, Saturday.  We walked the city with my sister Kristen and her boyfriend, Chris.  Here is Chris, Matt, and Annie at brunch spot Kanella.
And then an impromptu visit to Aunt Priscilla's new digs in the city.

And on Sunday Annie met Micah, the 3 1/2 month old son of our friends Lauren and Jesse.  I think she's playing hard to get in this photo.

1 comment:

  1. She is just getting cuter and cuter! I love her little bald head :)
