Sunday, February 5, 2012

Work tomorrow

The dichotomy of two very (white) things: one practical, one emotional.  My freezer milk stockpile, above (go me!), and my bear cub, below.

Tomorrow I return to work.  It's been a wrenching weekend (emotionally and literally): I had my first bout of food poisoning in my life starting on Friday evening.  Saturday was a feverish haze spent in the bathroom and shivering in bed.  Today is a bit better but I'm terrified about navigating my train commute sans bathroom (yikes!).

My hat's off to all working moms: I don't know how you do it, but I'm going to try my darndest.


  1. You're doing great! And so, I imagine, is my fierce, alabaster niece :)

    Happy Monday, dahling!

  2. How did your first day go? Did you smother her with kisses when you picked her up?

  3. Lauren,

    The first day was fine, actually. I really surprised myself. The second day was harder ...I think it was starting to sink in that this is my new life. (The first day was such a novelty in a way.) I had an awful day at work on Thursday and broke down, but in general, I think I realized I do like to work. Where, and how much, is still the question. I guess I'm just going to take it day by day. I hope you are feeling well!!

  4. Sounds like a plan! I hope it gets easier, or that you can find something that gives you more time at home.

    I am feeling well. Officially in the third trimester now! We want to have you guys up for dinner soon. Do weekends generally work for you?

  5. Wow; time flies! Congrats on only have a few short months left! Yes, weekends are our only free time it seems! I'm exhausted by 7:30 pm on week nights! We would love to come up; shoot me an email and we'll get something planned. Thanks so much, Lauren!
