Sunday, August 15, 2010

Two dummies walk into a park...

Last weekend Matt and I went to Grounds for Sculpture, an outdoor museum of sorts featuring all styles of sculpture throughout the lush grounds in Jersey (see - not all of New Jersey is bad). We found ourselves wondering and stumbling through the acres - it was delightful. I was determined to get my culture on! But instead of being mature patrons of the arts, we went and did this:

"Onward ho, beast!" (said the statue)

Doesn't this look familiar?

Here's the real deal by my boy Claude Monet.

Crossing a bridge I saw this bather. Because I have no sense of personal privacy, I took a photo.

A classic by Manet.

Me ruining a classic by Manet.

‘Le déjeuner des canotiers’ (1881) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir.... It's nice and all, but don't you think it's missing something?

Ahh....there we go. A bit of dufus goes a long way.

This is Matt having a conversation with a statue in Renoir's painting. See that glazed-over look the guy in the top hat is sporting? That's what happens when Matt waxes poetic about coding.

Believe it or not, this was the least creepy photo of Matt and this statue. I just don't know what to make of that grin.

I made two decisions upon seeing this sculpture: 1) I need a pond. 2) I need a huge, steamy head to put in my pond.

This is me mid-conversation to pretend dinner-mates at a pretend table. (Please note: I wasn't pretend hungry - even bread made of rock looks tempting to me - damn my large appetite!)

I also rubbed her belly for good luck in addition to my (sadly) trademark thumb's up.

One of my favorites in the park. Mainly because she doesn't have a modicum of modesty, and I like that!

Something looks familiar here...

Here is a statue, painting the scene below by Monet - made of statues! It was like a statue in a statue in a statue or something. All I know is that it BLEW MY MIND!

Please note two things: the baboon king, and Matt's sweaty back as he bows down to the aforementioned baboon king.

"What, you're having a private dinner conversation?" Not anymore. Check out the peeved waiter to the left as I crashed his dinner party.

Here we were at this fancy pants park, and I spot a sculpture of a girl PEEING. Obviously, a photo was in order.

Near the end of the day, Matt was getting tired.

So he relaxed with some light reading with statue Sally. Or, that's what I called her, anyway.

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