Monday, February 15, 2010

Digging Out

After the storm, the sun was bright.

My two furs (the dog and the human); looking very stoic.

We hand. Snow blowers be damned! And YES, I did help.

The reason I do what I do..... (not really).

The downed large branch, in the glistening light of day. Suddenly, it's not so irksome.

Matt, at the end of the drive, conquering the dreaded mound the snow plow leaves behind. (Would you believe I did the rest? No? Well, I did.)

She's usually not so stern in real life. She doesn't like her photo taken.

Yep; she's a bit irked.


  1. i wanna live where you live. and have your puppeh.

  2. Ditto. I want snow instead of humidity and cold rain.

  3. Girls, I live in PA, and with global warming, it usually IS rainy. Thus, like a giddy 14-year-old, I had to DOCUMENT THIS! :-)

  4. i mostly meant your house and yard, but i should specify that i would only want to live in PA on days such as this :)

  5. Ahhh...understood. I wouldn't trade the Pacific Northwest, either!!
